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Honesty Policy

So have been doing a bit of thinking lately and I just wanted to put this out there.


So the purpose of this blog /website is for me to share books that I have read and that I have enjoyed.

I try to keep it positive with my reviews and keep it honest.

With my small amount of readers I'm sure it makes no difference what I post here but I wanted to let you know where I was at with things.


I do not like hurting other peoples feelings. I have only once posted something which I deem as hurtful with regards to not being able to finish books. I haven't done it again due to it not being fair on the Author. Just because I can't finish a book doesn't mean that the book is no good. It just means it's not for me. Being a blogger doesn't give me license to go and hurt Authors feelings because I'm not into something. 


Now this could be seen one of two ways. It could be seen in the opposite way that I want it to be and be perceived as me not being honest about a book I've read. It could be seen in way I'm hoping it will be. As me not wanting hurt peoples feelings.


Basically if I don't like a book, I won't post about it. Most of the time you won't even know I've read it unless you follow me on Goodreads. 


So heres where I'm at. I don't do this for money or anything else. I do this because I love books and well I can't help but tell people about them when I find books I've enjoyed and Authors I love.

I will always be honest if I'm asked direct questions about books and will always try and be mindful about peoples feelings when giving people my opinion. 


At the end of the day just because I have a opinion does not make me right or wrong.

So I also want to add that if I do a giveaway on here, it's 100% either funded by myself or is being done with the support of the wonderful Authors.

It is never ok to accept a pirated copy of a book. It hurts the author and us as readers.

So I hope my little rambling here makes sense and that you get where I am coming from.


Thanks for reading



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