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A Lover's Lament - KL Grayson & BT Urruela

When I saw the sign up for this book I got super excited. I loved the sound of the synopsis and well I'm not going to lie, I was curious to see how this book was going to go with BT's input being that he's a army vet himself.

Once I picked this book up, I couldn't put it down.

Synopsis - In a matter of seconds my entire world changed, and it was in that moment that I stopped living and simply began to exist. In my grief, I sent a letter to the first boy I ever loved. I hoped in writing it I’d find some peace from the nightmare I was living, some solace in my anger. I didn’t expect him to write back. I wasn’t prepared for his words, and I certainly wasn’t ready for the impact this soldier would have on my life. A deep-rooted hate transformed into friendship, and then molded into a love like I’d never known before. Sergeant Devin Ulysses Clay did what I couldn’t: he put the shattered pieces of my heart back together, restoring my faith in humanity and teaching me how to live again. But now that I’m whole, I have a decision to make. Do I return to my life as I knew it and the fiancé I left behind, or do I walk away from it all for the only man to ever break my heart? *** I’ve been living in hell, but you won’t hear me complain. These men depend on me, as I do them, and this brotherhood is the only family I’ve ever known. The Army saved me from a callous mother and a life on the wrong side of the tracks that was quickly spiraling out of control. So unlike most of the men in my platoon, going home wasn’t something I longed for. I was content overseas, spending my days defending this country that gave me my life back. Fighting became my new normal … until her. A letter from Katie Devora—a letter that I almost didn’t open. Her words put a fire back inside of me that I didn’t know I’d lost. She gave me hope during a time when I was fighting every day just to stay alive, and now it’s time I fight for her

As I said I couldn't put this book down. Once I got started it pulled one heart string after another. This book is a emotional rollercoaster and I was hanging on for dear life. I felt their pain and yes there were some tears but they were so worth it for such a beautifully told story. I can't go into much without ruining it for you but there will be parts you will laugh out loud and parts that will have you griping your e-reader to the point you wonder how you didn't break it.

Now I don't think this is a spoiler but just in case you see things differently please tread carefully and if you don't want to know perhaps skip this paragraph. My only gripe about this book (It's not really a gripe as I loved it), The Epilogue. You will know when you get there trust me. It's the part when you think you are done with being on the edge of your seat once you read the words Epilogue. Oh how wrong was I.

So carrying on - It has taken me awhile to come up with words on how to describe this book and do it justice. Yup I went for the classic "beautifully told story" but I swear it's so much more than that. KL Grayson & BT Urruela have done a awesome job of bringing these characters to life. I am grateful that together they decided to share this story. Click here to check it out on Amazon

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